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MAB SILK PRODUCTIONS became a multi-media education and training program once Michael and Jacqueline moved to Georgia from Chicago, June 2000.


Michael and Jacqueline has been creating programs and projects together since 1991, reintroducing Joynt Production Network in 1992 and sponsors of the JPN Network (TV Programs) on the ROKU Channel.


Michael Bosby founded MAB SILK Productions in 1989 as a music production company, after meeting Jacqueline he added video production today he is the drive behind the growth and evolution of the TV Programs as Executive Producer, Scriptwriter, Vocalist, Songwriter, Publisher, Community Media Instructor, Mentor, Award winning Director,  Youth Sports Coach, High School Film Teacher, and Drivers Education Instructor


You can see more about  Michael and Jackie following their links below.





   Jacqueline &   Michael Bosby

Co-Owners, Executive Producers

Founders of the JPN Network


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