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Ebonique B. Carter

Welcome to my page, as the Director of Operations I handle the day-to-day activities for the Express H.O.M.E. Program, Inc.  H.O.M.E. stands for Helping Others Magnify Education.  So you may ask how do we or can we do that ? ....By being a solution to the problem vs complaining about it.


Express H.O.M.E. Program takes pride in developing programs to help everyone.


Express H.O.M.E. Program has developed  a leadership program that allows young people the opportunity to create their own solutions to problems they see.


Express H.O.M.E. Program developed a unique training program for underserved teens/young adults.  This include but not limited to those teens in special education  or have graduated with an IEP, diagnoised  with a  learning disabilities. 

This program called ARCH (Achieving Reachable Challenges & Heights

Director of Operations

The ARCH Program- A very unique training program.  This program was renamed  by our development team during  the covid  shutdown .  It was originally developed in 2010 to help one young lady with a learning disability  go to College.   At that time it was called the SE Program SE standing for Special Ed.


During the Covid period the ARCH Program took a path of it's own.  The ARCH program now has a Support Section, an Adult section, somethig for Anger Management, and even a section for College support and it's still growing.


Express H.O.M.E. Program is seeking volunteers and funding so no one that needs the program will have to worry about paying for the services.  Please contact me if you want to help.



Achieving Reachable Challenges & Heights

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